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MENG Fanhang

[日期:2021-05-14] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]

Dr. Fanhang Meng, currently is associate professor of faculty of Arts in the Southeast University , vice dean of the institute of Art Anthropology and Sociology, secretary-general of China Society for Anthropology of Arts. Dr. Meng has focused on researches about anthropology of arts, intangible cultural heritage, folk arts and the development of village. He has published more than forty Journal Articles, and a number of monographs, like, Implements, Technology and Everyday Life——A Case Study on the Miao Nationality Culture in Guizhou Province ;The Material Representation behind villagers’ practiceThe Space-time Structure, Everyday Life and Cultural Heritages of a Community in Rural Central Shaanxi Plain1930-2010.

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