《内蒙古大学艺术学院学报》 2014年第4期中英文论文摘要、关键词
2015/4/27 19:41:34

(内蒙古师范大学音乐学院,内蒙古  呼和浩特  010010)
摘 要:音乐作品的表演形式多种多样,弦乐四重奏是其中很重要的一种音乐体裁。莫尔吉胡先生这首《弦乐四重奏1号》,集中体现出其音乐创作上的许多特点。本文通过较为系统的分析,对其主题创作、曲式结构、调式和声、音乐织体形态和演奏技巧发挥等诸方面的音乐元素,进行了较为深入的阐述与研究,从中得出一些“弦乐四重奏”民族化方面的创作经验,对内蒙古“草原乐派”音乐创作具有一定的启发意义。
On Creative Features of Meregjih’s “First Movement 
of  String Quartet No. 1”
ZHANG Ya-ran
(Conservatory of Muisc, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010)
Abstract: In the various performances of musical works, string quartet is a very important kind of music genre. Meregjih’s song “String Quartet No. 1” embodies many characteristics of his music creation. Through a systematic analysis, this article makes a more in-depth exposition and research on its theme creation, musical structure, tuned harmony, musical structure and shape, performance skills, and other aspects of musical elements, and draws some creative experience of nationalization of “strings quartet”, and has certain enlightening significance to Inner Mongolian “Prairie Music”.
Key words: Meregjih; String quartet; Theme melody; Multi-voice texture; Musical structure
Jason Dovel1 著,王增鑫2 译,李  锐3 校
(1,3.肯塔基大学艺术学院,肯塔基州莱克星顿市,美国  40506
2.内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古  呼和浩特市 010010)
摘 要:每个小号演奏者应该保持“每日练习”(Daily Routine)有诸多原因。在文中我会一一列出。希望这篇文章能够帮助读者对“每日练习”形成正确认识,并对自己的个人练习和进展有所帮助。文中提到的教材都很值得一试,然而还有很多其他教材可供选用,作者鼓励大家尝试不同教程,并寻求和发展一套适合自身的“每日练习”,以最大限度地帮助自己从前一天的演奏中恢复,为每天的演奏做好准备。
Achieving Physical and Musical Skills Through a Daily Routine
Written by Jason Dovel1  Translate by Wang Zeng-xin2  Proofread by Li Rui3
(1, 3. Art College of Kentucky University, Lexington, Kentucky, USA 40506
2.Art College of Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia  010010) 
Abstract: There are many reasons why a trumpet player should have a daily routine. I will list them one by one in the article. It is hoped that this brief introduction to the concept of a daily routine will be valuable to the reader in their development of their own regular practice regimen. While the books and studies mentioned in the article are quite valuable, they are certainly not the only books available. This author encourages us to experiment with many different trumpet method books and

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